Going public has been therapeutic for me. There is nothing wrong with using the public space to express your unresolved trauma. It helped me a lot. I try to do things well since I am an artist but blurting things out is also part of this process. I will no doubt offend people.
My best advice to others who are coming out of their own fog is to consider what I have done and either emulate it or take what works for you and discard the rest. If you want to start a lawsuit, go to the media with your story and public outrage will demand justice. That has happened twice now since I went public. Persistence is key.
Remember that I was a top selling advertising executive. I could not do any of this work if I did not have that training. Only a small percentage of people will go the extra mile to get the win (sale). I did all that without realizing that I was a childhood dark lab mind control experimentee victim. It doesn't matter. If you repent and go forward with the full armor of God, you will be OK. You may not thrive in the materialistic sense, but you will have enuf.
I have barrel rolled my way through the densest of MK fogs/ torture/ despair/ trauma/ abuse and I am still alive. This is not a contest for who has the most intense MK story but if it were I win. Some people believe me, some people like me, some people support me, some people pray for me, some people encourage me. Some people try to kill me. Yawn.
In 2015, I discovered myself in this famous photo. I had already surmounted my difficult upbringing, but sought answers to the haunting trouble in my natal family.
My mother & father were patients of Dr. Ewan Cameron in the Montreal Experiments. My sister spent her whole life as a tortured and traumatized mind control victim with most of her human rights extinguished. The best the system could do for her was to destroy her physically & mentally with drugs and electroshock and more torture. She never recovered beyond replaying old unresolved trauma loops of both my mother’s and father’s and one’s instilled in her by others. She died from harassment, (real and perceived) just like my mother did. My brother died young in a canoeing accident. How does one family get so unlucky? Is all this my fault? The system would have you believe it is. The cycle stops here with me.
Then as now, this subject is taboo. I am changing that by integrating my search for answers & quest for justice as an executive level trauma based mind control survivor advocate with my work as a visual artist through my media company.
10 things Targeted Individuals Should Never Do
Do not complain to me. I try not to complain, so don't complain to me. Do you think you are special? Just because technology came along, do you think it started with man made (not paranormal or mental illness), auditory voice to skull ELF waves?
My mother was a patient of Ewan Cameron in Montreal in the '50's. She was drugged & electroshocked then, scapegoated & disinherited by her natal family. She was beat up and abused by her husband, force fed anti-depressants and tranqs by her doctors until the day she died. She complained of everything, spying, voodoo, imposters. Once she spent the night in the elevator of her social housing slum because the doors wouldn't open for her. She complained a lot. Guess who was the only one who listened? The only one she relied on? The only who broke her heart when I moved from Toronto in '96 and left her alone? Me. Do not complain to me.
Do not ask me for money. I have never invested in the system. Never bought a house. Maybe I could have been more conservative and bought a dwelling, but I am able to make money for myself. This is what I invested in. I went door to door for 15 years selling photographs to private homes, big business, anyone. I have arrived home in BC after traveling with nothing or less than 100 dollars in my pocket and I always manage to be okay in a short while. There are always people looking for workers. I ripped a pull tag off a sign at the beer and wine store near my house and got a cleaning job that turned out to be the best thing I could have done. It led to housing and great resources and friends. I have a tendency to give away money and spend it as fast as I can make it, but I can make it. Even the smallest job can lead to a great life. I make less than 20K a year and I live very frugally. I have no savings, no credit and no one to rely on. If you ask me for money because you are targeted and I have no relationship with you, you are a 2-bit con artist. So do not ask me for money.
Do not assume you have it worse than me. For some reason, my entire life, people have just assumed that I am privileged. I look good, speak well, live in nice neighborhoods. That isn't too hard in Canada. There are few slums. Even though my father made good money, he did not spend it on his family. We had no food half the time, the utilities would get cut off and we only went on one holiday that was a disaster. I left home when I was 15. I came back a few times but never stayed very long. I might have wrenched less than 10 grand from my dad over his lifetime. My mom was desperately poor. I did get a small inheritance from my great aunts in the early 80's and blew that on travel, camera equipment and living worry free for a year. I used to be on and off welfare in Toronto but I have worked most of the last 25 years in BC. And I went bankrupt once. After experiencing life on the road as a traveling salesperson in BC while wintering in Mexico, many of my fears attached to survival disappeared. God was abounding. I learned there was nothing to fear with God’s grace.
Do not blame me for not championing your cause(s). Before I could identify what was wrong with me, I identified with many social justice causes that occupied my zealotry. I realize now they were all foils for the undiagnosed personal injury I suffered as an MK Ultra trauma based mind control test case. I needed to resolve my own problems, not the world's, but I didn't have a context until I saw the picture of MK Ultra Girl.
Even though my whole family was brutalized by the mental health industry and I watched everyone fall apart in front of me as I grew up, I did not suspect that I had been in the program, or that that program was so close to me and my family.
Now that I look back on all the causes I joined, I realize that everyone in them was part of the program too. For us monarch/ dark lab vics all life is a set up. Realizing that has set me free. It takes guts though.
Do not accuse me of your shadow self
Do not be contradictory
Do not tell me I don't understand
Do not blame your situation on politics
Do not excuse yourself from solutions
Do not mock God, truth and caring for others.
Farmer Brown
I am a TI. MKultra program never ended, probably expands every year. I am a victim of it, as are some of my family. Most of what you may have read or heard about implants is real, ocular implants are one of their favorite. With them, you will have no privacy, no secrets, what valuables you may hide, they can (will) come and steal. Just more of the program run by the scumbags in the "shadow gov." to control and manipulate the masses.
Ellen Atkin
Thanks Farmer Brown
Bea Silver
You are not targeted
Ellen Atkin
Why do you say that, Bea? New title: 11 thinks TIs should never do. 11. say STUPID things like, "you are not targeted" You are not targeted Bea. nananananana The limited scope of most TIs is pathetic. I have done all this work as the top TI in the world and I get comments like yours. Without explanation, without proof. No wonder you are targeted.
I agree 100%. The Targeting/Crowd Stalking/Microwave blast stories are out of control now. To me it is just another psy-op built to contain MKs and have us blathering all over in order to destroy our credibility. Targeting - Anyone who is in the program is targeted. Anyone OUTSIDE the program is Targeted. Let's face it the whole population is targeted! Crowd Stalking - Due to social pressures, people are going to scream out loud. This doesn't mean you are being followed. Neighbours are going to be neighbours. They are going to be nosy. They don't need to be paid to do so.
If you run around thinking strangers are looking at you, they will look at you. Because you are making a spectacle of yourself, not because you are being followed. Microwave weapons - Where is the evidence? Besides one woman on Youtube who literally wears tinfoil hats and sleeps under an aluminum blanket. You would think weapons so handy and portable such as these would be ALL OVER. But no, instead of being used for legitimate reasons...say crowd control during riots...they are just used for no names in nowheresville.
Every once in awhile the powers will send out a "former" member of some alphabet agency claiming they saw documents of such harassment. Anybody coming out like this should be suspect. Because the only people who will get big play in the media and even in the convention circuit will be on of theirs. Why? Because they own the whole circus from the big media to the small conspiracy sites. When I feel "harassed" I just go back to basics.
Any time one of the MKs makes a break for it...they have a program to prevent it. We make it so easy for them, they only have to use the simplest of body programs. They can make people feel itchy, feel feverish, feel asthmatic etc. and yes even feel as if they are being blasted by some Buck Rogers weapon. These programs can be scary. It is also scary to tell yourself it is just a program even though you feel as though you are suffering from a heart problem, asthma attack, nerve attack, allergy attack. But once you can do it...the limits only become what you put on yourself. The programming starts to reveal itself. Then you have freedom within sight.
Wow Kerry. You get it so well. There is so much more to being one of the kids in the program (not SRA cults, but the military/ project paperclip test cults- and yes, I know they are connected). We survived all kinds of torture. drugs, radiation, splitting the mind. horror shows, disease, ect.. the extent is way over what conventional targets complain about. There are definite layers in this mkultra, Kultra world we live in. Thanks for your 2 cents again. love.