It has been over 2 months now since I identified myself as MK Ultra Girl. These things take some processing. I went through a lot of feelings and breakthroughs. Firstly, I was shaken up.
Who or what was I? Panicked, I called another survivor, "What if I'm a sleeper assassin!?" She laughed right away and said, "You are too old." Oh Phew... (update: this survivor was a perp- survivors CAN be accessed after waking up)
What actually is my life then? How closely have I been watched? Since I was basically born into it, I have normalized the whole trip. Nobody has as many cheat sheets as I do on behaviour modification. As much as I turned away from the whole mess of my natal family, I was only ever a breath away from drinking the koolaid. In fact, it is still very much alive & embodied by my sister. (update: the problem is the solution)
Can I now look at my every action, every reaction, every outcome as some kind of tabled result? Is there a guy in a white lab coat on the other side of the gossamer veil taking notes on my life?
Finding a picture like that of oneself is really a gift for the survivor. Here I was just feeling bad about the childhood I remembered! The urge to find the truth led me to the picture. If I didn't start writing about my mom in Jan. 2014, none of this would have happened.
The best outcome for myself and millions of other survivors is to deprogram and heal. I immediately grokked these healing and deprogramming centres and laid out the plan in the Michael Atkin Foundation.
There is so much to do, so much to sort out, so much to re orchestrate, that we might as well start now. There is no more time for "not in our lifetime" sentiments. Crap, I still have 40 years or more. Do I want to live in seniors housing and wait for my emancipation in front of the computer? No.
Yes, I am moving on but not forgetting. I want to put all my energy into MK Ultra girl. It is time to get this ball rolling. I am holding the feet to the fire of the ones responsible. And let me never ever forget that I am owed MILLIONS of Dollars! This is how we shall prevail as the torch gets passed from the old world to the new. As more people wonder exactly what they are supposed to do with themselves now that the boogey man is dead.
Mk Ultra Girl can break mind control which is covert harassment. My mother complained of harassment all the time. It was so sad because she was so marginalized, targeted and gaslit. Her doctor, Marmoreo, in Toronto denied her symptoms of prescription drug withdrawal and smacked her recovery down with more meds. This doctor knew of all my mother’s prescribed harm since her teens, yet never aided her to receive disability, compensation or real help.
The poverty despair and isolation directed at my mother is what drives me to correct this gaping hole in the DSM. In depth coverage of my parents’ lives will be in MK Ultra Girl Integration, book 2 of the series.
I sometimes wonder if there is anybody left on the other end of the silent weapons I have been debilitated by my whole life. I have taken back control many times and even formulated a powerful blow back mechanism that diminishes all unwanted interlopers to rubber duckies (out of body consiousness transfer is a very real darklab created control mechanism).
Raw Traveling blog has been as much about a spiritual exploration as anything else and there are many references to demons and entities throughout. I have triumphed over many of the things that bothered me when I started writing. But this?
I will take it. I have no choice. It is my life.
Achieved by 2023
Some medical records for my mother and father from the Allan Memorial institute in Montreal received in 2019.
Local and international support for my cause.
Class action lawsuit filed, Jan.19, 2019 for the families of victims of Ewen Cameron at the Allan.
Walk With Us Rally at the Allan Sept. 18, 2020.
Destroyed Lives Documentary Film.
Montreal Experiments Class Action Members (MECAM) campaign launched Feb. 2020
Class action filed for victims of St. Thomas Psychiatric, 2021.