Free speech! I was only trying to blah blah blah...
Oh well, 1000's of people heard a fake story, but we got ratings!
Why can't you just get along?
Because Jesus. Bad man hurt children bad.
I asked the Lord and the Lord told me to …
MK Ultra dark lab experiments, especially on children of the last 3 generations, created a hidden psychopathy that the programmers still try to admin their control thru. The mental health industry knows NOTHING about it.
This hidden psychopathy is being revealed through out the body politic now thanks to the still unqualified testimonies of 1000’s of victims. It is being reintegrated but more so from a premasticated over and done with voyeuristic position.
Many of the latest TV shows, (Pennyworth & Slow Horses - both great shows - for example) have word for word on line survivor stories written into them. The survivor may not benefit but the company does. They are stealing.
The general concept of how people are trafficked is not the reality. You are trafficked when all your work is stolen, when you can not, are not allowed to create or produce unless from within the business under their terms. When your life story, your biology, your psychology, your soul is a company cash cow you are trafficked. Lots of trafficked mkultra adults were adopted - read trafficked. Adoption is always a red flag.
The control is far too extreme to be resolved as is hoped in my lifetime. I learned that since going public because I searched & I found. I asked & I received. Many whistle blowers told me the truth. They don’t get compensation. They get nothing. The truth makes much more sense than these fake stories of mutilated babies.
However, it is the system that we must work with. Obviously the law and your politicians HAVE to be informed. To rely on real world positive action as a result of your testimony on you tube alone is not realistic.
Carrying these collective unresolved trauma burdens individually is way too much for a good person to bear. It broke my mother, father and sister. My brother was not a psychopath but he died at 19yrs old. That left me alone with my finger in the dyke.
I have canabalized my own concious over the unresolved trauma of my mother, father, brother, sister and myself my entire life. I didn’t have to. I could have been that victim. The return on not being a pyschopath is to witness every extended family member participate in psychopathically gaslighting me, my sister and my mother.
To this day, my mother’s twin sister lies openly to me. She wrote 2 completely false affidavits for our court case. Her son, Andrew White, and RCMP detective assaulted my feeble dissasociated sister at a family wedding in 2018. There is more.
My father handled all of them. They were afraid of him. He worked with the biz via the Catholic Church. It was undoubtedly my father who set his kids up in the dark labs below. Not one relative lifted one finger to help us. They lie when they claim ignorance.
This unresolved trauma is easy to bear if you are not a good person. Why do you think people go that route? Presumably a survivor is going public to offload their unresolved trauma because they are a good person. But this isn’t often the case. So what is happening?
Most public survivors are unwittingly acting out the old Catholics/ Jesuits vs Protestants/ Freemasons battle for mass mind control. Jews don’t mess around about what their god is. It’s the masters (elohim = ET).
You only get public play if it is part of that agenda: Witness Eliza Bleu’s and Jessie Czebotars’ burnt out, immature psychopathic shit shows. After 10 years public, people like me operate business as usual and let the drama go to the dogs.
Counter Intelligence
Setting up your own media account to protest is counter intelligence. Counter intelligence isn’t inserting an agenda to intentionally mess up innocent people. Everyone is under the same fog of war haze.
Counter intelligence, like counter surveillance means using your personal power to right wrongs. It could mean the opposite too but how stupid of a bad guy are you if all you want is to mislead on line quackers? There are much better reasons to be a bad guy then trying to deceive people who are already lost in space.
I do it to fight for emancipation from covert abuse from ASPECTS within the business. The war is not on civilization itself. I used to think it was. What if you found out that the entire cold war has been good guys fighting bad guys everywhere?
If one has not gotten anywhere by going public; if they are in the same positions as when they started or worse, there is a problem and it isn’t with the wording or bad PR. Presumably, the masters have not given the word so humanity will bury the outcry.
I jumped in head first at the right time (2015ish) so I got a taste of the frenzy that accompanies humanity’s lacking inner compass. 95% of people are willing to advance straight to amphitheatre style blood lust without a second thought or outer perspective or regret.
It is the human state of affairs. It is the way it always was. There was no Golden Age. All representation of that were ET manifestations. ET built it and destroyed it too. Humans have always been slaves to ET agents. The deep state knows ALL about it.
Is it not becoming obvious that humans are not behind the downward spiral course we are on? We are coming out of it but so slowly that it could take millennia more at this pace.
People don't care. Point blank. Most people do not have the capacity to understand that exposing this hidden layer of psychopathy IN THEMSELVES is connected to their future well being. They don't care. They simply do not have the capacity. You can't even teach it to them.
Intelligent good people are being replaced because of ET’s lack of confidence in humanity. A dumbed down humanity for as long as it takes is the company agenda because they were told. End of story. Until ET shows up and exposes themselves, we will continue to run circles around our ignorance and speculated in a vain hope of saving humanity.
We must understand that to keep going. No pearls at swine. But when you are forced to the bottom of the food chain because you are not a psychopath, how can you be above anything or anyone?
But hey, look at the positives. It has not been easy but more good has come out of my campaigns for me than if I did not do them. There are 2 class action lawsuits for my family. I am a litigant in one. My sister is off her 50 year bad drug trip prescribed cocktail. She is awakening.
Sadly, the public appetite for seeking justice for children of trauma based mind control fizzed out when public momentum was replaced by fake victims with unsubstantiated stories calling evidentially substantiated victims fakes. How then to use the lawless landscape of online platforms to help yourself?
Add your voice. One voice. Two voices. Next thing you know it is on the collective to sort out.
The Michael Atkin Foundation is “the work”. We are helping people, rescuing people and putting pressure on the system. We have a board of directors and a broad reach despite of overt gas lighting, libel, slander and covert shadow banning.
Please show us your support by donating here, there or anywhere.
Mission Statement
Advocating on behalf of infant victims of trauma based mind control performed under medical, religous and government cohesion. Tasks involve liaising with education facilities to correct the morass of disinformation in the medical and psychiatric fields to ensure resolution for victims and prevention of creating new ones; Talking with & helping survivors of dark lab medical experiments; Creating space to heal, commiserate and connect; Creating paths forward for all perpetrators of these crimes to end
Thank you Anthony!