2012 - 2019. There was a collective “release the hidden assets” ascension plan via love and lighter Facebook Groups. I bring this up so people can casually observe how these stories evolve and link up. It’s still happening.
Enter Sasha Stone (Simon Jean Paul Sacha Adams), sex cult guru agent provocateur. New Earth Nation & Universal Shamans of the New Tomorrow are just 2 of his brews. I remember thinking this was great before MK Ultra Girl discovery.
He is accused of sexual predation, fraud and intellectual property theft, often, over and over again, in fact. At what point does a vulnerable victim/ survivor become his prey? After the relentless promotion from their hero idols like Cathy O’Brien, Laura Eisenhower and RoseAnne Barr? Or after their bank accounts have been drained, their hope extinguished and their humiliation rubbed into the bone?
“Peter Shelton, who lives across the street from Akasha, otherwise known as the “New Earth Haven,” denounces Sacha Stone of stealing $90,000. A loan that Sacha should’ve paid in two months prolonged for over three years. The terrible experience didn’t end there, as Peter and his wife became a target of Sacha’s cronies. “How dare you ask for your money back, sir?” Just like they did to me. “How dare you, to give a voice to an abuse victim, sir? Projection.” credit: Total Disclosure
Sasha Stone was part of the Swiss Indo cult I was being recruited into around the time I discovered MK Ultra Girl. Accepting MK Ultra Girl completely altered my course. I left all the loonie liberal hopium, fake Jesus, pie in the sky behind and focused on what I knew and wanted to know about my own hidden history.
Sasha Stone’s Grifter Circuit History
Another Sasha Stone save the world plot was his common law court called International Tribunal for Natural Justice. Stone's common law court was a direct rip off of Kevin Annett's common law court, International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.
Not only did Sasha Stone & Robert David Steele - (they went their separate ways before Robert reportedly died in 2021 - maybe he got reassigned) copy Kevin Annett's idea, they tried to put Kevin Annett in custody, force a psychiatric examination on him and charge him with sedition and fraud. Go TEAM!
Sasha Stone and Robert D. Steele took their case against Annett to the crown. Phew, good thing the crown was there when these self declared sovereigntists needed it, even though, by definition sovereign movements mean to EFF the crown. Oh the irony.
In 2018, popular SRA victim Fiona Barnett showed up like a crown jewel at Sasha Stone’s latest stolen idea scam the ITNJ. Other testimonial givers included a Mormon woman Kristy Allen aka Wanda and a Dutch swindler bad boy mafioso type who just happened to be riding on viral social media memes at the time. Verified by internet post likes. A year later Sasha Stone & RD Steele attempt to rendition Kevin Annett while entering Canada.
Sasha Stone has been sniffing out Cathy O’Brien’s assets and value as a puppet for the fake healed survivor talk show event circuit. Michaela/ Shaela Miller is Cathy’s live-in handler managing all her business and media. Shaela's whole family is in on it. They did not lose their daughter to the cult of Mark and Cathy as they claim.
MK Ultra abuse victims, especially the ones from childhood, are ongoing assets to the darkops deep state intelligence groups of all countries that have them. Laura Eisenhower and Michaela/ Shaela Miller have been isolating Cathy from Kelly for several years now. Laura was arrested after one such attempt to block Kelly from her mother which involved torturing Kelly.
Kelly Cox O’brien is a smart, brave and funny survivor of the programme. She has emerged as her own hero. She has done more for survivors under her own steam while disabled than all the hoarse screaming stage shows of RoseAnne Barr, all the designer drug induced sex cult hopium factories of Sasha Stone, all the mothership goddess alien worship conferences of Laura Eisenhower, and all the jealous hysteria internet libel of old ladies trying on a fresh look via the “MK Ultra survivor” mirror.
While Cathy O'Brien’s PR team see the real Kelly as a threat to their clown show in the name of healed survivors and wanna be survivors (the bar is so low in this genre anyone haunted by their imagination qualifies), the internet audience for these psi ops is way too slow on the draw.
Nobody is healed from this shit. Get a grip. Members of one class action in Canada are committing vile acts of libel, slander and conspiracy, gloating in the misery and heartache they cause their fellow survivors, denying their complicity when evidence is dumped on them. That is the reality.
Roseanne Barr leaves AmericaFest crowd stunned with unhinged rant about communists, Nazis 9K views 1 day ago
Dangerously impaired Roseanne Barr stuns crowd into silence 29K views 1 hour ago
Before discovery, (the event of recognizing myself in the mk ultra girl photo) I sought answers to my own unresolved trauma in defence for my mother’s long suffering and my father’s mental, physical and sexual abuse. My first blog post about the subject was Jan. 2014, 10 years ago.
In 2015, I discovered myself in this famous photo. I was 54 years old. It is known as the Strain All Urine photo. In the metadata of the original download the description read: MK Ultra Girl.
I went public with my revelation and my hidden family history in Jan. 2016. My first attempt at verifying this photo turned out to be as scam. My second and third attempts have weighted much more towards a positive ID of myself. I am suing the scammers.
At the outset of my public experience, I made contact with a regrettable woman who writes self published B novels using her fey musings as a possible mk ultra victim to weave in stories she has heard from other survivors without their consent, dreams she has had and messages from psychics. She has stalked, slandered, libelled, targeted, badgered, threatened, demanded, and harassed me ever since. Without me, she has no audience, no life. Oh pardon me, she did go after several other woman with the same MO.
Years on, I witness other survivors of MK Ultra dark operations dealing with similar abusive, mentally ill behaviour by others and this very woman. Almost anyone of merit has a similar tale. I do not enrich others with my life story. I enrich myself through hard work and the law. If there is a suvivorship boat, I am sinking it.
Consequently, the survivor bandwagon has dwindled down to a steady stream of dubious unnotables trying to remember how their experiences conform to the “how to tell if you are MK Ultra formula”. If you are not sure, the suvivorship boat will help with grooming you into an appropriate victim and throw you a gala pity party.
All the major discoveries of trafficked survivors must remain undisclosed because once the survivorship boat gets a hold of it, it will steal it as it destroys your character because you are not on board the suvivorship.
I am self made. I worked my way through the business world to become a self employed aerial art photographer. I was a young teen when I left home. I wasn’t a part of the mental health system, nor was I ever on any psyche drugs. I am just a natural rebel.
Before MK Ultra Girl discovery, I was negotiating with 1000’s of clients in business, industry, government and community, which is something I love to do and I am very good at.
In my pre discovery MK fog, I hoped my “cause” to correct the shit stain I bore in the collective would find resolution as an outcropping of shamanistic save the world hopium heros. That never happened and never will happen.
I was trafficked and abused as an embedded Canadian citizen, not as a cult participant. I am constantly being attacked by the cult of survivors for not wanting to be in their cult. They are chuffed when I defend myself and expose them. Don’t dish it out if you don’t like it. There is no ignoring this malice either, no turning the other cheek. Praise Jesus.
Since the first draft of this article in 2019, the collective has moved along with general awareness and less revulsion at the mention of MK Ultra and trauma based mind control. Every latest season of the cool shows seems to have woven in all of our survivor stories. Almost all the salient “conspiracy theory” points are the plot lines. Clearly, someone has been taking notes. Still no compensation or attribution to the victims. Not even a free lunch. Reminds me of the Xmas dinners the drug companies used to give for the patients at the psyche ward until that became too politically incorrect. This is exactly how the cult trafficks people. Everyone is still being trafficked.
For some invested in the MK Ultra tagged story, gate keeping & controlling the narrative is more important than protecting victims or any standard of decency.
The most ardent and pervasive stalking and harassment campaigns I received from going viral via MK Ultra Girl came from:
Children & relatives of patients/trauma survivors of the Allan Memorial Hospital in Montreal.
Canadian trauma survivors who wanted to be in the class but didn’t qualify.
Canadian trauma survivors who identify as Christians. (fake)
Alternative media hosts connected to the people above. (Emma from the Imagination Podcast is the latest)
People who claimed to be close to or related to Dr. Joseph Mengele’s family.
People who claimed to be targeted individuals.
Now ex satanist Jesse Czebotar is running the survivor grift cult. Her friend, Timothy Holmseth and his made up Pedophile Task Force are still out there pulling in 1000’s of dollars monthly. Old time cult defectee survivor, David Shurter has recently been forced to acknowledge Jesse Czebotar. Right now Shurter is looking pretty good against the devolution of the “movement”.
Imagination Podcast is another cult mirroring, gag reflex inducing operation. In a personification of a dippy snot nosed kid with fake eyelashes, the host, Emma Pietrzak (aka @stellartruth) is cleverly using her training in NLP and hypnosis, her affiliations with an entrepreneurial support group called the Arete Syndicate (no red flags there) and a cult that uses the cannabis industry as a front to enrich herself off the survivor theme in the (snore) name of “fighting global trafficking” on a “Truth Speaking Mission”. Adorable! She also claims to be a coffee shop owner and crypto investor. Go Emma!
While Jesse Czebotar and Tim Holmseth are running out of gas (please someone get the stake and the garlic), another cut out named Eliza Bleu emerged, only to be quickly dispersed through peer evaluated pressure.
Where is the peer evaluated pressure over Cathy O'Brien? If you had a clue back in the before times, you would know the internet was rife with objections to hers and Mark’s agenda. Cathy’s real daughter Kelly is being shunned and gaslit (read abused) by her and her goon show.
This is the real Kelly in Cathy’s books. The one who never materialized until she got her own twitter acc. Cathy O’Brien (is it really her?) makes sunshine and rainbows posts about her daughter Kelly that sound like and are pure fiction. Does anyone care?
In 2016, I altered this image and made it go viral adding evolving image overlays and text. Now it looks like this. I got the word out. It worked. However, it caused the ire of many of these failed professional victims, as though I was supposed to get their approval.
Survivors are Pissed off
The internet is a big place. There is enuf room for all of us. If this were 2016, you could expect a spew of shaming guilt trips heaped upon you like:
You are discrediting real survivors.
You are committing a crime.
You are trying to get rich.
You are obsessed with them.
You got all your material from the internet.
You are a liar, fraud, thief and a rogue of the highest order.
There is no point countering their claims. It is all just a waste of time. Lies. Wrong. That is all they are doing, wasting your time. I have an evidence locker full of foul deeds my personal stalker has done to me. I wasted a few years trying to straighten her out via such presumably resoluting factors like incepting a class action lawsuit but no, she poisoned that well too.
I endeavoured to sue her and her accomplices but elected to write up my own legal notices instead. They worked for a short time, but she will not and does not stop. She applies herself to the survivor movement like she applies herself to her claimed profession.
Now she claims she murdered my sister in a dream she had. She did stalk my sister and I. She did contact ( via cyber stalking) someone from my town and encourage them to harass me and my sister.
So, she is right, she did murder my sister, but it isn’t a dream. It is real. My vulnerable, fragile MK Ultra programmed victim sister could not handle being gang stalked. My sister acted out like the child inside person she was and set fire to her trailer and died inside not a few days after this psycho mess of a human did that.
What did she do? She went on The Imagination Podcast! Sucking in the fumes of my dead sister for sustenance. Emma tried to trigger me by tagging me on twitter to her podcast with the fake guest on the fake show. Emma is about as far away from a survivor as Pluto is from Mars. I told her to GFY. I told Jesse Czebotar the same thing when she attempted to reach out.
So what if a survivor wants to use the internet as a healing and discovery tool? It doesn’t have to be an ant hill. Self publishing vlogs about one’s own recovery journey is actually very therapeutic. It can work if you avoid the cut out idols like Sasha Stone and Emma Pietrzak. Stop overlooking the deceptions with pat absolutions like “I support all survivors.” That is demeaning and belittling.
The real Kelly deserves all the support that the desperate and disingenuous crew her mother is hoodwinked by is getting.
My sister deserved all that support too. Instead she got a jealous want to be famous via MK Ultra imaginary conspiracies cyber stalker popularized by these horrible gore glorifying channels and blogs in the name of fake Jesus to conspire with my neighbours to harass her to death while we waited for justice in poverty in a system that denies our histories until the court orders otherwise.
Why support people who are not victims but use victims to enrich themselves?
I hope that people like Sasha Stone, Emma Pietrzak, Laura Eisenhower can find another way to live in the lifestyles they are accustomed via the work their parents did, without grifting off survivors.
The real work is done by forcing the system to acknowledge it’s wrongs, accept responsibility for them, pay compensation and create a future where it doesn’t happen again. That is why we have the law.
Now my sister will not get to see the benefits of the court case we worked on for 2 years that she is winning, not get validation for the horrible abuse and mind control programming she endured her whole life so these freaks like Roseanne and Sasha Stone can make stupid statements like so and so is MK Ultra. GFY Roseanne. GFY Sasha Stone. GFY Laura Eisenhower. GFY Michaela Miller and the rest of you. You know who you are.
By the way, you can’t get any more mkultra than the Kennedy Family so even don’t go there.
Ellen Atkin
January is Fundraising Month